81-year-old Ronald Potter is known for his detective skills. The savvy, business owner has spent much of his life cleaning up other people's messes, one piece at a time.
"You have to ask the right questions," Potter said. "It's very interesting."
Potter and his wife, Patricia, own Modern Dry Cleaners on Catherine and Bronson. The family-run businesses, that started in 1948, is heading into its final weekend.
"Its been exciting and its been good," said Patricia Potter. "We are going to miss it."
An offer to rent the space was received several months ago. With no family members willing to take over the dry cleaning business, the couple decided to retire.
"It's scary because we've been busy," said Patricia. "The staff we've had over the years, they have been very good."
The business has taught the couple a lot about each other and their community. Though fashion trends have changed over the years, the relationship with their customers has never wavered.
"The clients have been really interesting," said Potter. "Every time they come in they have a story or an insight."
It's that insight and daily conversation that the couple says they will miss most.