Monday’s intense rainfall has flooded streets, created sewer problems, and has some rural residents concerned about their well water.
Carol Hall, Program Manager of Water Distribution said in a statement, "On Monday, July 24th, there were 11 sewer-related service requests spread in Wards 11, 13, 14, 17, and 18. Of these, 4 were related to a back-up or basement flooding."
Ottawa Public Health has received numerous calls from residents in North Gower concerned about their wells. Health inspectors are still investigating.
In the meantime, they’ve provided some tips:
If the well was not affected by sewage/not submerged, the residents can continue to drink/use. However, if well is affected by sewage, residents are advised to not drink/use well water until sewage water has receded, well disinfected and samples taken.
Several roads were affected by the rain.
Director of Road Services Luc Gagné said in a statement, “Road Services South area has received 12 service requests about concerns of flooding with one request related to basement flooding in the Village of Osgoode. In addition, we have provided sand and sand bags at the Fire Hall in North Gower for those in the Village of North Gower who are concerned about their homes.”
Further, the following street closures were still in effect, as of Tuesday afternoon: