Make sure you've got long sleeves and pants on next time you're heading outdoors in the Ottawa area.
Ottawa Public Health is confirming that area mosquitos have tested positive for the West Nile Virus.
There are no reported cases of West Nile in Ottawa so far this year. Only two cases have been reported in the province. There were 20 confirmed cases in the Ottawa area in 2017.
Ottawa Public Health is reminding residentsto protect themselves by:
Applying a Health Canada-approved mosquito repellent containing DEET or icaridin to exposed skin and clothing
Protecting yourself especially between dusk and dawn, periods when mosquitoes are most active, and at any time in or near shady, bushy, or wooded areas
Wearing light-coloured, tightly woven, loose-fitting clothing including long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, shoes and socks to protect exposed skin.
Making sure all windows and doors in your home have screens that are in good condition
Reducing standing water sites around your home (bird baths, toys, flower pot saucers, swimming pool covers, old tires, wheelbarrows, buckets, cans, etc. – anything that can hold water for 7 days or longer)
Ensuring all openings to rain barrels are covered with screen mesh at all times