Officials from the city of Ottawa and the Ontario government will be holding town hall meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday to provide information to those affected by floodwaters in region.
Mayor Jim Watson said the meetings will provide application forms and guidelines on how to apply for disaster assistance.
"People, in many instances, are staying in hotels, and they're incurring other expenses," Watson said.
"We encourage people to save their receipts."
Watson has spoken with Premier Kathleen Wynne about the need for financial assistance as soon as possible.
"She has assured me they will do everything they can to fast-track applications that come in," he said.
"People need money right away, not two months down the road."
The meetings will also give the latest update on cleanup efforts.
Those affected by flooding can attend any of the meetings.
Tuesday's sessions are set for:
1 - 2 pm, Nepean Sportsplex, Halls C and D, 1701 Woodroffe Avenue
3:30 - 4:30 pm, RJ Kennedy Arena, Main Hall, 1115 Dunning Road, Cumberland
6:30 – 7:30 pm, Fitzroy Harbour Community Association Community Centre, 100 Clifford Campbell St, Fitzroy Harbour
Wednesday's info session is set for:
6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Constance and Buckham's Bay Community Centre, 262 Len Purcell Dr, Woodlawn
The City of Clarence-Rockland is holding a public info session on Tuesday, May 9 at 7:00 p.m. at the Optimist Performance Hall, 1535 du Parc Avenue.