Residents in the Carlington area are worried their neighborhood is getting a bad rap.
There have been three homicides in the area in the past five months - two of them remain unsolved.
Jocelyn Dever says the area isn't as bad as people make it out to be.
"It's a good, nice community. I come out with my dogs at midnight and sit there. I don't feel any fear. Any fear at all."
Dever says the bad publicity is frustrating to see.
"Looking at some of the comments in the paper just makes me so angry ... because there are a lot of decent people on this street and Carlington gets a bad rap. It makes me angry because this could happen anywhere."
Meanwhile, police continue their search for 34-year-old Daniel Adjetey-Nelson in connection with the stabbing death of 55-year-old Mitch Paquette on Rosenthal Avenue Thursday evening.
Adjetey-Nelson is considered armed and dangerous.