An Ottawa mosque has had its charitable status revoked by the Canada Revenue Agency.
According to the CRA, the Ottawa Islamic Centre and Assalam Mosque on St. Laurent Blvd. had its status revoked in July of this year.
A summary of the decision by the revenue agency says the organization breached several rules, including allowing its resources to be used for "activities that promote hate and intolerance."
The CRA also says the mosque failed to maintain proper books and provided undue benefit to the director.
The revenue agency's summary does not say when these alleged incidents happened.
Mosque officials have denied the allegations.
The audit by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has revealed that the Organization is not complying with the requirements of the Act as they pertain to registered charities. The issues identified in the Organization's two pre-registration audits and in the CRA's correspondence with the Organization during the registration process are the same issues the CRA identified during the current audit of the Organization. In particular, it was found that the Organization: failed to devote all of its resources to charitable purposes and activities, in that it allowed its resources to be used for activities that promote hate and intolerance; provided resources to non-qualified donees; provided an undue benefit to a director; failed to maintain proper books and records in accordance with the Act and/or the Income Tax Regulations; and failed to file an information return as and when required under the Act.